
Friday, May 11, 2012

My Thoughts on Tarot

       I have owned quite a few tarot decks in my time, but truthfully I have only really loved two of them. One is Legend: The Arthurian Tarot by Anna-Marie Ferguson and the other is The Ancient Egyptian Tarot by Clive Barrett. From the moment I set eyes on them, they spoke to me, fit into my hands like they had always been there and they felt like old faithful friends. I believe tarot decks choose their owners much like wands do. When you have the right deck you can feel it from the first card to the last.
   Most of my decks were beautiful, but did not feel right when I held them, they would not shuffle in a fluid motion, nor would the readings turn out properly. This was even after many times of cleansing the cards. So there they would sit, untouched and unloved. I finally gave them to a friend of a friend who cherishes them and says they work perfectly for her. I am so happy they have found their rightful owner.

    I never understood until these two decks, when a reader would say my cards speak to me. Well now I do, because mine do that with me. Yes you should know the definitions of your cards, however you should not lock yourself into thinking this is the only way of interpreting the cards. You should get an instinct or feeling about your cards. Take the Tower card for example. People tend to fear this card in a reading because they see it as trouble is coming. But it may not mean that in certain cases it could mean that you have weathered past storms and this lead you down the path you need to go. It could be telling you that the person is emotionally upset and not letting people know about it. You need to look past the traditional card definitions and learn to trust your instinct with your cards.
    In a reading, remember what the question was pertaining to, where the card showed up in the spread and what cards are surrounding them. I had a reading where I asked about a past lover and they were reading the 2 of cups as a new relationship and none of the other cards in the spread had anything to do with a new person but rather a past one. But the reader insisted that it was a new person throughout the rest of the reading. Which brings me to another point, don’t put what you think a person should do in your reading for them. Even If you really have their best interests at heart don’t project your feelings and opinions on their reading. What it all comes down too in the end is this, you have told them what they need to know and it is their free will that decides what to do with the information you have provided.

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